Monday, 15 April 2013

M is for Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, delicious

 I never knew there was a romance subgenre of books actually called “foodie.” You could have knocked me over when I first heard about it. I love food and I love when people talk about food in books. I have bought three romance novels because there were cupcakes on the covers.

In foodie books the characters love food. They dramatically relish it. Often times when they eat they close their eyes and savor the food and moan as if the greatest pleasure on earth has touched their tongue.

In one of my works in progress the heroine loves food, but she doesn’t savor it. Instead she shovels it in like a pig at a trough, only a little better mannered. She enjoys every bite but she does so at a fast rate, probably so she can have a second helping that much sooner.

What about the romance of feeding or being fed? One of my most remembered food scenes  in a romance novel was with a grape. It was a historical novel and the couple was at a fair. The man bit a grape in half and sensuously rubbed the other half on the heroine’s lips. Oh the tension. I have never looked at a grape the same way again.

Do you enjoy reading about food in a novel?

Check out the other blogs participating in the A to Z challenge.


  1. I do enjoy reading and writing about a nice Italian meal and a wonderful glass of vino :)

    1. I noticed. Twin Flames was full of food and I loved every uneaten morsel of it.

  2. I have to tell you I laughed out loud when you said you had bought 3 books because they had food on the cover and then the cover of cupcakes....Yes, I think they are hitting below the belt on this and romance! Happy A-Z Challenge

  3. MMMMmmmm good. I keep picturing the man biting the grape in half and rubbing it sensuously over her lips, mmmmmmm....sounds so....tasty.

    1. For me to remember a scene from a book I read forever ago is a tribute to the writer. It was a wonderful scene.

  4. I didn't know this was a book section either! I tend to forget to mention what my characters are eating, I don't pay that much attention to food myself. Luckily I have a friend who always asks me, so some descriptions of food do make it into my novels.

    Rinelle Grey


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