Thursday, 18 April 2013

P is for Persistence (Don't stop keep going, and going, and going)

I have read it everywhere. From the bible to motivational speeches. Be persistent, persevere, keep going, don’t stop and you’ll get to where you’re going or get what you desire. It is so much easier to give up on what you want than to work for it. Success doesn’t happen for those who quit. Let’s ask all of the authors who have been rejected by a countless number of agents or publishers and all of a sudden one believes in their work and off they go to the moon and back.

My favorite don’t quit story is about Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb. He kept trying until he got it. Light is good.

These are my words of encouragement for all people who have a dream they want to see come to fruition.

Do you have words of encouragement to add?

Check out the other blogs participating in the A to Z challenge.


  1. Persistence takes a little work - you have to exercise your will. But the results pay dividends. Great post, Nana and a great life lesson.

    Maria's Book Blog

    1. Thanks Maria. Persistence always pays off.

  2. great words. And it's good to be reminded on occasion... okay, make that often. ;)

  3. What a good word, it goes along with one of my favorites, perseverance, which I see you've also written.

    1. Your post on perseverance was my inspiration.

  4. Hello, Nana Prah! That's an excellent quote. It's so true, too! Last year for A to Z I did an entire post of quotes on persistence: It's good to read over from time to time for motivation!!

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

    1. That would have been interesting to read. I'm headed over to your site to see what you wrote about this year.

  5. It's a strong word - a word that can wear you down and exhaust you - but if you truly want something or to succeed at something - Persistence is what you need. Great post.

    1. Thanks Debbie. It's something we writers cannot do without.

  6. Thomas Edison is the ultimate in persistence. I believe he tried something like 1000 times before he succeeded. And where would we be if he'd just given up?

    Rinelle Grey

  7. Nana, what a great post!!
    It's a word that is a close to my heart and means a great deal to me, especially when it came to my debut release and with all the nay-sayers out there.
    But I'm so glad to be an example that persistence and belief in yourself does pay off :)
    Don't let anyone trample your dreams!!

    1. Amen Georgia. If you had given up I wouldn't of had the privelege of reading your masterpiece, Absolute Surrender.


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