Saturday 3 August 2013

Book Review: God Has Daughters Too by Abidemi Sanusi

The Blurb:

Adopting fresh angles and modern perspectives, God has daughters too tells the stories of ten women from the Old Testament and finds that, as the women speak for themselves, their circumstances may not be so far from our own. Read Eve’s story as she shares her pain of having warring children, Michal reflects on a life of disappointment with David, and Leah expresses her isolation as 'a married single'. 

Ten women. Ten stories. Hear the lives of Old Testament women as you've never heard them before...

My Review
A few years ago I read Kemi’sJournal by Abidemi Sanusi and I loved it. I was looking for another book by her in relation to that book, but saw that it wasn’t on e-book.  When I sent her a message  she  recommended God Has Daughters Too to tide me over until the book I wanted was on e-book. With that said I will go on with my review.

I am so glad I read this book. It was fantastic. It is written from the perspectives of some of the women in the Old Testament. Women I had heard the names of, but never bothered to learn much about. I have been educated and it was a wonderful experience.

Ms. Sanusi’s writing is entertaining as well as informative.  I could tell that she did a lot of research into the lives of these biblical women. Ms. Sanusi was able to tell each woman’s story in a different voice, portraying a different attitude for each individual. I thought that was brilliant.

The book was inspirational, not only because of the nature of the women and what they had learned in their journey towards God, but  also because of the little nuances that Ms. Sanusi added to the interpretation of the women’s lives. I highly recommend this book.

I give it 5 chocolate bars out of five. Yes I liked it that much.

I purchased this book from

Happy Reading.


  1. This book sounds absolutely amazing, Abidemi. And thanks for sharing, Nana.

  2. wonderful review, Nana. An amazing book for sure and I would really love to read it.


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