If you want a blog that’s engaging, makes you laugh, and is sometimes a little weird then
head over to Liv Rancourt, Let’s have a devil of a good time... The title of
the blog says it all, she's all about having fun (with a little serious stuff on the side). She blogs about writing, she does book reviews, her
interviews make me chuckle, and best of all she’s a published writer with some
great advice. She also writes about her
family life and other life situations so there’s a little bit in it for
Clicking on the link above gets you to her blog. When you get there pick a post, any post and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.
Come and have some
fun with Liv. I know I sure do.
Aw, thanks Nana! I'm so thrilled to have my blog featured in your post today, and am glad you like what I do.
You are so welcome Liv. Your blog is one of my role models.