Tuesday 31 January 2017

Spotlight: Triple Love Score by Brandi Megan Granett

Brandi will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

GENRE: Contemporary Romance


Miranda Shane lives a quiet life among books and letters as a professor in a small upstate town. When the playing-by-the-rules poet throws out convention and begins to use a Scrabble board instead of paper to write, she sets off a chain of events that rattles her carefully planned world.

Her awakening propels her to take risks and seize chances she previously let slip by, including a game-changing offer from the man she let slip away. But when the revelation of an affair with a graduate student threatens the new life Miranda created, she is forced to decide between love or poetry.


Miranda played mystery on a double word score with a blank tile. “Bingo,” she chorused. “Fifty points.” She hopped up to do a victory dance. As she did, her foot clipped the table, and the tile bag toppled over.

They both bent to pick them up. He smelled like Old Spice, the way her father did before the chemo made her mom’s nose too sensitive. “You,” Miranda started to say, to ask or to explain why she couldn’t stop staring at him.

“You,” he said in reply.

Then he leaned in closer and pressed his lips against hers. His eyelashes stirred against her cheeks as he closed his eyes. She leaned in closer. And neither one moved to stop. For a very long moment, lips slightly parted, they breathed in the same air, as they hovered in the sweet spot right after a kiss.

Then his phone went off, startling them both.

He snapped backwards and patted down his pockets for the source of the interruption. He stared at the number. “I think I have to take this,” he said. “Some kind of hospital.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Brandi Megan Granett is an author, online English professor, and private writing mentor. She holds a PhD in Creative Writing from Aberystwyth University, Wales, an MFA in Fiction from Sarah Lawrence College, a Masters in Adult Education with an emphasis on Distance Education from Penn State University, and a BA from the University of Florida.

Granett is the author of My Intended (William Morrow, 2000). Her short fiction has appeared in Pebble Lake Review, Folio, Pleiades and other literary magazines, and is collected in the volume Cars and Other Things That Get Around.

In addition, she writes an author interview series for the Huffington Post, and is a member of the Tall Poppy Writers, a community of writing professionals committed to growing relationships, promoting the work of its members, and connecting authors with each other and with readers.

When Granett is not writing or teaching or mothering, she is honing her archery skills. She lives in New Jersey with her husband, daughter and two dogs.

Author Social Media Links

Website:          www.brandigranett.com/
Facebook:       Brandi Megan Granett, Author
Twitter:            @brandigranett
Instagram:       @mrsgranett
Goodreads:     Brandi Megan Granett

Purchase Links

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Original Nana - Rubik's cube

Did you ever play with a Rubik's cube? I did. It was a frustrating adventure that I loved to hate. 

Days can be spent working on this to get all the colors on each side to match. Days! It annoyed me when I used to get four sides correct, but two sides had a color which belonged to the other. Grrrrr.

The thing is once I learned how to complete it, it wasn't as difficult to do it again. Over the years I've found that life is just like that. The first time you do something, it's hard as hell, and rarely ever fun. Things get easier the more you do something. 

That's the lesson of the Rubik's cube. Try, try, and try again. If you can't ever get all of the colors on the correct side then do what a friend of mine did and remove the stickers and put them where you want. Is that cheating? Eh! Some might call it thinking outside the box.

I loved the triangle version. I found it easier to complete and the shape just tickled me.

Friday 20 January 2017

Cover Reveal: Incense and Peppermints by Cathrina Constantine

Hi everyone,
  My good friend has a new YA/Coming of Age book coming out on March 10, 2017 and I get to show off the cover. Isn't it gorgeous?

Peace demonstrations, sit-ins, and burning the U.S. flag following the escalation of the Vietnam War are leading to a catalyst known to the world as the Sixties, and a musical revolution, flower power, hippies, marijuana, and drugs are carrying the generations—young and old—into a new decade. All the while sixteen-year-old Mary Monroe is caught between being an innocent good girl and an autumn of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll. 

When her brother offers a solution to her dilemma in the form of a little pill, Mary ignores the rumba in her brain and takes a walk on the wild side. Plunged into popularity and a life she’s only imagined, she meets Michael Covington, the hot newcomer, and she’s instantly drawn in by his less than flawless exterior and bad boy sex appeal. Caught up in the danger and excitement as they drift from party to party, into underground fight clubs, and through a series of drug and alcohol fueled adventures, Mary follows her new crush into a world where young girls are never truly safe from the predators lurking in the shadows and young men are hiding from the harsh reality of war.

Feeling buzzed and as if her life is spinning out of control, Mary is assaulted by an unknown man at a party, and she’s left questioning if the enigmatic Michael is truly her hero or if he is the face behind the terrible attack. With every piece of information Mary learns about Michael, her doubts grow deeper, but with every minute she spends in his presence, so does her love. 

With the war and her fear threatening to separate Mary and Michael forever, only the death of a friend, a crushing confession, and her own sensibilities can carry her over the threshold between adolescence and adulthood.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Original Nana #amblogging

Hi everyone,
   2016 started out with one original post a week. Something happened (time kicked my ass) and the only posts I did were book reviews (my heart) and book spotlights. I think I posted only two interviews the whole year (total laziness on my part).
   I'm here to say that 2017 will be different. Will I be a busy beaver this year? For sure. But I'll have one original post every week for the the whole year - except the three weeks we've already missed. I will warn you that I have come up with some memes that crack me up and these will suffice as an original post.
  Otherwise I'm going to push fear to the side and let you into the workings of my mind. Now you should be scared (laughing). I'm calling the post Original Nana - unique I know, but it works for me.

Until next week I leave you with this:

Do with it what you want.

Saturday 14 January 2017

Review: Teasing in Stilettos by Nana Malone

The Blurb
When wanting isn’t enough…

She wasn’t his to touch…he wasn’t hers to love…

Cara North made the mistake of falling in love once and it cost her everything. Dancing at Club Prestige, her dreams are once again within reach. She won't let a little thing like love get in her way.

Finance genius, Tate Anders, has spent his life being the good son. But always doing the right thing comes at a cost…the only woman he’s ever loved.

Back then, she belonged to his brother. But this time, he's not letting her get away. 

My Review
I have read two books in the Prestige Club series and both have been by Ms. Malone. I honestly didn’t know how Ms. Malone would bring Cara and Tate together. Their odds seemed really low although the attraction was high. Let’s just say that Ms. Malone sure does know how to bring on the pain for her characters because the hits just kept on coming, for both Tate and Cara.

I give this book five out of five stripper pole shaped chocolate bars.

I bought this book from Amazon.

Review: Compromising Positions (Highland Wolf Pact #2) by Selena Kitt

The Blurb
Kirstin has never been out of her den before, but now one of her pack is seriously injured—he may even be dying. Desperate to help, she races straight to Middle March, the borderland between Scotland and England, and falls right into a dangerous trap.

As the new laird of his clan, Donal MacFalon has made it clear that he, unlike his brother before him, will honor the wolf pact, an agreement their father made with England’s King Henry VII to protect Scotland’s wolf shifters, the wulvers, who most believe to be only the stuff of legend.

Wulvers, though, are very real. Kirstin knows. She’s one of them.

When Donal MacFalon turns those steel blue-grey eyes her way, she realizes she’s facing something far more dangerous in this man than any trap.

This man, already promised to another, has a power over her no man or wulver has ever had before. When he opens his castle and his heart to her, she finds herself willing to risk not only her own heart, but everything she’s ever known, just to be with him.

Kirstin will find herself caught-—between the man she loves and his intended bride, between her pack and a human world frightened of her kind, between nations whose hatred runs deep.

Kirstin will be forced to make choices no woman, or wulver, should ever have to make. All for one man, whose love goes beyond borders, nations, or legends, whose heart beats only for her. 

My Review
I am officially in love with this series.  I should’ve known that when Donal was introduced in book one  and liked him from the beginning because he was good to the heroine, that he’d get his own story. A wonderful star crossed lovers type of novel which had me wondering just how he and Kristin would get together. That’s all I kept thinking about as I plowed through the story.

Their attraction is immediate and Ms. Kitt does a fabulous job of actually putting us smack dab in the middle of this swirling heat. Kristin is a strong wulver who knows just what she wants even if she doesn’t know how she’s going to get him, but Donal had enough faith in their love for the both of them.

The words that came out of Donal’s mouth were some of the sweetest I’ve ever read. Aww came out my mouth more than once.

I give this book five out of five book shaped chocolate bars (you’ll understand once you read it).

I purchased my copy from Amazon.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Review: Fireworks at Midnight (A Witch’s Night Out #3) by Tara Quan

The Blurb
Recent college graduate and part-time cat familiar Dulcina “Sweets” Gato is having the worst New Year’s Eve in living memory. End of year expenses trigger serious cash flow problems, and her microwave just went up in smoke. To make matters worse, her best friend’s overprotective big brother is back in town, and his return threatens to put a huge crimper on her nocturnal activities. The only thing she can look forward to is Madame Eve’s 1-Night Stand service. After all, she’s sick and tired of being a 21-year-old virgin.

Enforcement Agent Mikal Knight is a warlock on a mission. Having finally scored a transfer to Washington, D.C., he’s now at liberty to pursue the object of his desires—his baby sister’s best friend. But first, he has a vigilante to track down and a mysterious matchmaking service to investigate. Sent on an undercover operation, he resigns himself to a pointless 1-Night Stand on New Year’s Eve. As luck would have it, his mystery date’s identity might let him kill several birds with one stone.

My Review
There isn’t a Tara Quan novel I’ve read that I haven’t loved. She has a fresh voice that makes me laugh out loud throughout while reading. And boy can she pack in the heat.

I love a friends to lovers’ trope. Add that both Dulcina and Mikal (totally yummy) are magical beings with amazing powers and enough attraction flaring between them to burn up the pages and you had me at hello. A fast entertaining read that ushered me into the new year.

I give this five out five microwave shaped chocolate bar.

I purchased this book from Amazon.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Prah, Constantine, and Baryeh Review: Jingle Bell Harbor (Bell Harbor #3.5) by Tracy Brogan

Happy New Year! I was wondering how long I can officially  joyously exclaim Happy New Year. If I meet someone in July that I haven’t seen all year long can I say it? That aside, I’m happy to be back for another Prah, Constantine, and Baryeh Review. Everyone says that 2017 is going to be a fantastic year and I totally believe them because it’s true.

We chose a Christmas themed story to start the year off with (Technically it was to end last year, but who’s splitting hairs?) Tracy Brogan is not a stranger to Constantine or I, but I believe this is Baryeh’s first time reading her.

The Blurb

 As assistant buyer for the world’s second-largest Christmas store, Kelsey Parker feels like a holiday harlot. She’s contractually obligated to promote the yuletide season. All. Year. Long. And it’s taking a toll on her spirit. But when her clueless, self-absorbed boyfriend goes on their long-anticipated romantic vacation—without her!—Kelsey is beyond disappointed to find herself tromping through the Bell Harbor snow instead of lounging on a tropical beach.
Drew Hampton is considered quite a catch among the Bell Harbor bachelorettes, but when his high school dream girl, Kelsey Parker, shows up at his grandfather’s Christmas tree lot complaining about her love life, he decides it’s long past time to get her under the mistletoe himself.
As things heat up between the two, a surprise visitor arrives, making Kelsey an offer she can’t quite believe. Now she must decide what matters most, and she just may discover the key to her happiness.

My Review
Ms. Brogan is one funny writer. Her characters are lively and very entertaining. She knows how to pair people up, too. Kelsey and Drew were so adorable together.

This book was great, it really was except… Well I understand that Kelsey's relationship with her boyfriend isn’t what it should be (after all he went on vacation without her when her grandmother broke her hip – that’s bad), but I didn’t care for the way she and Drew got together. I know it added to the conflict, but I wasn’t comfortable with it.

I give this novella four out of five Christmas tree shaped chocolate bars.

I purchased this book from Amazon.

If you’re as curious as I am to see what Constantine and Baryeh thought about the book then head over to their blogs to read their reviews.

Monday 9 January 2017

Cover Reveal: Freddie (The Essiens #6) by Kiru Taye

Title: Freddie
Series: The Essiens #6
Author: Kiru Taye
Genre: Adult, Erotic Romance
Coming: April 1, 2017
Violence marked Freddie Edun's early years. Coming to work for the Essiens saved him from the angry young man he was and gave him focus. Now he's walking the path of success and partnership in Banks Security business is within reach. He just has to seal this deal with a potential client first. Until he meets the client's wife and the deal becomes at risk of taking a nose dive.

Kike Ogun married young to a man who dazzled her with his bogus charm. She’s lived like a caged bird for many years but with a looming milestone birthday on the horizon she is determined to walk a new path of self-love. If she could just ignore the electrifying and forbidden attraction she feels towards a younger man from the first moment they meet.

With a devious ex who refuses to let go, she’s going to need help—Freddie’s protection—to stay alive long enough to celebrate her upcoming birthday. And she’s going to have to give in to her dark passion for him and finally unleash the natural woman inside. If it's only sex, then what's love got to do it?

Freddie Excerpt © Kiru Taye 2017

“Kike, wait.”
She didn’t.
He blocked her path.
“Move out of my way,” her voice came out halting, and her head bowed. She swiped a hand across her cheeks.
Was she crying?
“Kike, please. Look at me.”
She sucked in a deep breath and lifted her head. Beautiful long dark lashes and black kohl framed almond-shaped eyes tinged with red.
Shit. She’d been crying.
He settled his hands on her shoulders.
“I’m sorry.” He didn’t know what he was apologising for, except that something told him he’d upset her.
“Why the hell are you sorry?”
He shrugged. “I don’t like to see you upset.”
“It’s nothing for you to worry about. I shouldn’t have come here. It was a mistake.”
“No. It wasn’t. You want to be here, and I want you to be here.” What was he saying? Her coming here wasn’t a good thing unless she’d come to speak to him about the security job. But the look in her eyes told him that wasn’t the reason she’d come.
“No, you don’t. You have a girlfriend. She’s upstairs waiting for you.” She gave a heavy sigh as her shoulders slumped.
A twist in his gut indicated he needed to correct her assumption. It shouldn’t matter in the scheme of things. He wanted her to know the truth about him. “Bukky is not my girlfriend.”
Her eyes went wide. Then they flashed fury as her hands balled into fists. “Don’t you dare lie to me.”
She raised her arms, shaking his hands off her shoulders. “I caught you with her, remember?”
He raised his palms to placate her. “Hey, listen to me. Yes, Bukky and I fuck each other. But she’s not my girlfriend. Come upstairs. I’ll send her home.”

Kiru is the award winning author of His Treasure. She writes sensual and passionate multicultural romance stories set mostly in Africa. When she's not writing you can find her either immersed in a good book or catching up with friends and family. She currently lives in the South of England with her husband and three children.

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Friday 6 January 2017

Cover Re-Reveal: Finding Beautiful by Amanda Kaitlyn

Title: Finding Beautiful
Series: Trinity #1
Author: Amanda Kaitlyn
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance
Coming: January 9, 2017
"A debut romance that will keep you at the edge of your seat until the very last page”

Meet Gavin Thomas.
He is a ladies man.
The CEO of a multimillion dollar company.
He thought he had it all. Until, Aria.

I am damaged. Broken. I have given up on men. When I stumbled upon a sleek Jaguar and the man that works beneath the hood of it, I am drawn to him instantly.
He was electric. He was undeniably attractive.
But worst of all?
He wanted me.
I knew I was in trouble.
But somehow, I trusted him.
“Breathe, Aria. Christ please, just breathe for me.”
Gavin came into my life like a hurricane, turning my world on its head. I didn’t want to fall for him, but it was inevitable.
From the moment we met, he claimed my heart.
I knew he would do whatever it took to protect it.
When the shadows I fought so hard to escape threatened to tear us apart, could the love we'd found be enough to persevere?
Or would our fight be in vain?
"I'm going to give you the world, Beautiful. This is only the beginning."

This novel contains adult content, graphic violence and sexual situations. Only meant for those of 18 years or older.

Amanda Kaitlyn is an author of contemporary, emotionally charged romance. Finding Beautiful is her debut novel. She is a hopeless romantic at heart. Books by Kristen Proby, Kelly Elliott and Stephanie Meyer have influenced her writing. One thing that inspires her is music. Country, pop, rock, Amanda enjoys it all. As a young girl, she loved fairy tales. As she grew up she realized that these stories change. Love isn't always perfect and the fight of that love is what urges her to write the stories she does. Between the pages of her books you will find real, heartfelt romance, rugged emotion and lots of steam.
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