Friday, 7 November 2014

Size does matter #amreading

I’ll be honest. I don’t like reading big books, although I'll admit that I loved the book Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. Over 900 pages that I gobbled up. This was before my wonderful Kindle came into my life (I had to stop writing to kiss the device just now).

My issue these days is that I have access to a whole lot more books than I did before. So the page count influences my book buying decision a lot. Under 300 pages I can handle. The cover and blurb have to be phenomenal for me to go above that.  It’s extremely rare that I’ll ever buy an “epic” book.

But wait, here comes the ironic part. I’m not a real fan of novella’s either, unless they are an extention of a series. Yes I’m a little strange, and sometimes imbalanced, but at least I know what I like.

What about you, do you have a page number cutoff?


  1. Depends on the author. I find it hard to take the risk on a long book by an unknown author, but if I get into the story, its not about the page count.

    1. You have a great point, Dolorah. When you already know the author it's as if you are investing time with something you already know you are likely to enjoy.

  2. I prefer well written, longer books, 400-600 pages. It's a journey or adventure I can get lost in. Not real thrilled with today's trend towards shorter books. I would never go into a bookstore and buy a book that was 80-120 pages, doesn't matter who wrote it. So the books I buy online are quite different from the prints books I buy. But I am always in search of THE good story.

    1. Wow. You have a totally different perspective from me, Felicia. I like it.

  3. I have to say my book buying decision is influenced by 1) cover 2) blurb 3) length. I'm a fan of novellas and I say a big yay for ebooks giving me the opportunity to read a varied amount of books in little time.

    1. I'm nodding my head. The variety is amazing. Sometime a little overwhelming.

  4. I read Outlander, which is over 600 pages and loved it. If you like historical romance it's wonderful. I agree with delorah, if I know it's a good author I'll go for. Novellas are a fast, enjoyable read. I've bought books that were lengthy and regretted it. Then, I've bought lengthy books that I couldn't wait for the sequel. My comment isn't helping at all.

    1. Lol. What I get from your comment is that it depends on the story. And you are right.


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