
Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Is my work good enough? #writerslife

I know for sure that I'm not the only author in the world who asks this question. Lately I feel like I've been asking it more and more. I have no idea where my writer's self confidence went, but it seems to have taken a trip and left me behind. Maybe the heat in Ghana became too much. Who knows?


What I do know is that sometimes being a writer sucks (I was going to add a matching cuss word to it, but I'll keep this post clean). To be honest I know I'm a good writer. I may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I have some skills. The more I write, the better I get - isn't that the law of practice or something like that?

There are so many books on the market. I'm not sure if all of them are good reads or not, but every once in a while (on the daily actually) I run into one that has me questioning if the book had a proper editor. These books cause me to question my own work. If these authors felt confident enough to put their words out into the world and promote it then what makes me think that my work is any good either?

The answer comes to me every time I randomly open one of my books and am entertained (in a very good way). Yes my work intrigues me. After at least five revisions and edits (sometimes more), I get tired of my work, but after putting it aside for a while, when I return to it with fresh eyes as a published book, I know that I have put the best of my writing out there.

And then I start working on something new and that experience of doubt climbs all over me again. Grrrrr. One day I'll skip that part of the process. Hopefully one day soon. But as my friend Cathy once said, "Confidence is as slippery as a greased pig." Something that must always be worked on. I'm up for the challenge.


Does your confidence ever dip (or plummet)? What do you do about it?


  1. I love your books! just wanted to say that <3

    1. Thank you so much. That means so much coming from a Brazen Babe!

  2. I don't know if it's any consolation but I identify with everything you've said on this post. Dreaded Imposter Syndrome. I'd like to shoot it! I've heard somewhere that many times those who suffer from it are usually the ones most qualified for the job anyway because they have high standards. So do not fear.

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