
Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Why are my book review ratings so high? Part 2 - Avoiding the slam

Last week I mentioned that my finicky manner of choosing the books I read tends to lead to my high book review ratings. Check out the post here if you have a minute. 

I'm a published author as well as a blogger and reader. I was a reader before joining the writing and blogging tribe. Even before I started writing I was kind of aware of how much time and courage it took someone to write and publish their work. I'm not the type of person to slam someone's hard work (even if  it sucks). So rather than post a review of a bad book I've read, or couldn't finish (which have been very few), I'll do one of two things:

1. Chalk it up to time wasted and let it go. This happens when the book is really bad and I didn't finish it. I'm a bit anal retentive, so usually when I start something I like to finish it. When I don't it tells me me a lot about the book.

2. I'll write my comments, maybe even a review of the book and then get in contact with the author. This is risky, because they could lash out at me saying that I don't know anything about anything. And yet I still do it. The authors I've sent messages to were receptive. Maybe it was because I didn't start of with "Your book stinks like a twelve day old dead skunk." Yeah, kindness and gentleness go a long way.

Some of you might say that I do potential buyers a disservice by not letting everyone know that I think the book is bad. I both agree and disagree. Yes I'd be doing people a great service by warning them off of a book, but on the other hand I could be wrong. My opinion is my own. Other people might read the the and find it spectacular. Who knows. 


  1. I'm with you, Nana. I tend to read a ton, but I tend to only rate the ones I really enjoy. Same reasons--if it wasn't for me, it doesn't necessarily mean it won't be someone else's cup of tea. Plus, as a writer I recognize how much courage it takes to put your stories out there so I'm a bit more mindful of how my reviews can be taken.

  2. I must say then I am honored you gave my two books tops! (smiling)


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